Elephants Centre
     Our Programs 

Welcome To Ran-Tong Elephants Centre

Column One

We strive to educate our visitors about the horrendous history of the elephants. Some tourists just want to take pictures with the elephants, but it is our mission is to inform them about what is behind caring for an elephant. To date, many people still abuse elephants to make financial gain!

Column Two

Here at Ran-Tong sanctuary WE DO NOT use heavy chains, hooks or sticks TO beat the elephants for the joy of the tourists. WE DO NOT use elephants for tricks such as painting, dancing or other unnatural positions and WE DO NOT separate the elephant babies from their mothers.

Column Three

At Ran-Tong sanctuary we are trying to ensure a better quality of life for the elephants in their natural environment. Providing the right amount of food, water, exercise and stimulation without harming the animal in any way. Taking care of them is a costly and strenuous process and we need all the help we can get.

Taking care of them is a really costly and strenuous process and we need all the help we can get.

Ways of
protecting the elephants

Rantong is dedicated to the protection and conservation of Asian Elephants

- WE DON’T use heavy chains
- WE DON’T abuse elephants for tricks
- WE DON’T separate the elephant babies from their mother
- WE RESCUE them from loggings and street begging
- BETTER QUALITY of life for the elephants
- WATCH them in their natural habitat
- YOU WILL completely interact with them
- YOU WILL learn a lot about them
- EXCITING programs 
- CHECK US on TripAdvisor and our FB page
- AND so much more!

Tour our Centers 

Our Programs

   Elephant education care
   Young and abuse elephants
   Elderly elephant care

 See All Programs 


   Connect with elephants
   Change an elephant's life

The desire to help can move mountains, make a difference today   Volunteer Now 

Adopt an Elephant

   We rescue abused elephants to provide them the better life they deserve and we need your help.
   Enough food, water and a big space to wander are our objectives and adopting an elephant can be a great help for us.  About Us 

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The world can be a cruel and unpredictable place to live without compassion and knowledge. With the help of social media and word of mouth Rantong rescue efforts have been praised for providing a home for abused and retired Asian elephants. We are grateful for all the support people give us which, in turn helps us to continue our efforts in protecting the future of Asian elephants in Thailand.

Elephant clinic
Helps with purchase of medical supplies and an on-hand veterinary doctor and transport for new rescues.
Rescue efforts
Assist with rescue efforts of abused and elderly elephants
Contribute to our expansion efforts for our elephants to roam the land freely.
Food Program
Help us to lease farm land all year round.

Every little bit helps us to continue to save abused and domesticated elephants.
100% of your donation will directly support each one of our programs